Sacristan & Altar Linen Team
Prepare the Altar for the celebration of Mass.
Sacristan and Altar Linens Team are a group of dedicated volunteers who play an integral part in preparing for all Sunday and weekday Liturgies. At Regina Mundi Parish, we are blessed with many dedicated volunteers who attend to the care of the sacred vessels and Altar linens required for the celebration of Mass.
The main job of the Sacristan and Altar Linens Team is to ensure that the Altar cloths are clean and changed to the appropriate colour for each Liturgical season. The Team also cares for all of the corporals, purificators, and towels used at each and every Mass.
The Sacristan and Altar Linens Team is currently composed of four crews of two people who perform their “In-Church” service once a month. During their “In-Church” service, a crew will perform a detailed cleaning of the Chalices and Ciboria. In the Sacristy, they will dust and vacuum the carpet. In the Church proper, the Sacristan and Altar Linens crews will dust the Sanctuary’s furniture, dust the Nave and Narthex window sills and dust the Confessional. Each crew will change the Holy Water and ensure that the Holy Water bowls are clean and refreshed. The Sacristan and Altar Linens crew will clear away dead floral arrangements from the Sanctuary, Blessed Virgin Shrine or Baptismal font when needed. Each two-person crew is responsible for and committed to the above mentioned tasks one day a month for approximately two hours.
The care of Altar Linens laundering is an “in-home” ministry for the Sacristan and Altar Linens Team. Participation in caring for the altar linens brings team members closer to the Table of the Eucharist. Team members will gather various linens in the Sacristy. At their home, they will treat any stains and launder linens and towels separately. Once clean, the Altar linens are ironed and returned to the Sacristy’s drawers.
If you can spare a few hours once a month, please consider this worthwhile Ministry. For further information regarding the Sacristan and Altar Linens Team, please contact Michael at the Parish office (905)385-3297 ext 107