The Ministries’ office was my biggest Covid-19 Lockdown project. The room was a catch all for odds and ends since the Parish Hall renovation that occurred in 2012 to 2013. It was where all of the stuff that was once stored in the three car garage went before the garage was torn down in the fall of 2012. It was where the leftover construction materials from the renovation went to be stored for later use. The Ministries’ office was where a lot of leftover paint was stored as well.
On June 29, 2020, the Parish’s flooring contractor came by the Church to complete a few projects for us. The task was to use up some of the building materials that were stored in the Ministries’ Office before the Covid-19 Lockdown clean out project. Some of the office’s leftover quarry tile was used to repair the missing tile baseboards in the outer Narthex. Two leftover boxes of vinyl floor base were used to complete the wall to floor edge of the Parish Hall’s chair and table store room and the “laundry room.” Leftover carpet tiles from the 2012 - 2013 renovations were used to carpet and finish the floor of the newly painted Ministries’ Office. The only flooring material that the Parish needed to purchase from the flooring contractor was the composite tile for the laundry room. We simply needed more tiles than what had been leftover from the Parish Hall renovation. For all of the labour, glue and composite tile needed, the contractor final bill for finishing the floors of four rooms was $895.00 plus HST.
Stay safe. Stay well. Stay connected. And, until next time, this is Michael Pollard for This old Church of Ours.