In the fall of 2019, the Building Maintenance Committee had the Church’s entrance canopies painted. The next painting project scheduled to be tackled by the contractor was to be the painting of the Church’s steeple. Unfortunately, the Steeple painting project had to be put on hold last fall because we simply ran out of good weather for the work to be done. So, with winter looming, the decision was mutually made to postpone the painting to the spring. The project was tentatively scheduled for May 1, 2020, providing that we would have good weather.
In the fall of 2019, no one would have really predicted that there would be a pandemic that would shake the world and turn everyday life upside down. The painting contractor was in lockdown in the spring so the steeple project was put on hold. When things slowly began to open up, the painting contractor was able to resume work with a lot of catching up to do.
The beginning of July brought with it the hot and humid weather which caused more delays in the Steeple project. But, being determined to get the steeple painted, the contractor patiently waited for ideal painting weather to come around. The first day of painting happened on July 23, 2020. The last day to complete the work occurred on August 14, 2020. In the end, three coats of metal paint were applied to the structural I-beams, C-channel and angle iron of the Steeple. The project cost the Parish $2389.95 all taxes included.
Stay safe. Stay well. Stay connected. And, until next time, this is Michael Pollard for This old Church of Ours.